Sunday, 21 February 2010

Sponsor Me To Shine

I've never really been one for new year's resolutions; they're usually the same perrenial, unrealistic expectations that inevitably lie in tatters come February.

But, this year, I thought I'd resolve to do something positive and that wasn't purely for my own benefit.

So, I'm taking part in Shine Manchester on Saturday, 17 April 2010 by doing a half marathon night-time walk around the streets of Manchester to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

I'd really appreciate any donations (no matter how small) to help me reach my £150 fundraising target. Whatever you can give would be greatly appreciated and go towards the excellent work that Cancer Research UK does.

You can find out more about the event and the route here: or click on the button below to donate.

P.S. Remember to GiftAid it, ta.

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